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March 06, 2013

It been quite a while I've been longing for such a progressive initiatives as this. As drug abuse has been the daily activities of youth of our age and therefore should be obligation to the world and the people in it to fight against it in other to build a better world for all humid............... By Richard Kaffay

March 02, 2013


Youth at this community(Magazine cut) are all involved in to drugs, which push them in the street to act horribly in the community. Youth Millennium Anti-drug Abuse Project is an intervention in the lives of these affected youths! 

January 05, 2013

As the high begins to wear off, the drug user feels destabilized and enters a stage of hopelessness, irritability and exhaustion and hence, the craving for drugs is felt again leading to stronger and stronger impulses to use it thus making the drug addict to descend increasingly into the vicious cycle of addiction.
Drugs cause such a disorder of the brain neurons that hallucinations are generated. Hallucination is the most noticeable feature of a schizophrenic or insane person´s behavior. Anyone who sees imaginary objects, feels things, hear voices, etc.. Which are not real, has an imbalance of the ordering of brain neurons and is a manic person. Use of drugs, particularly marijuana, produces hallucinations driving its consumers to INSANITY.
DRUGS damage brain cells and cause decay in the gray mass of the brain. (This has been scientifically proven by means of the scanner).

The burden of stimulation produced by drugs affects and weakens the sexual function, which is driver of a the human machine; at first, drug use results in increased sexual arousal but in time it exhausts the sexual energy and leads the drug addict to sexual indifference, then IMPOTENCE and eventually to HOMOSEXUALISM. Many famous drug addicts have become homosexuals.

DRUGS drain the crucial or fascinating atmosphere that energizes the physical body; this effect lowers the defenses against disease causing exhaustion and premature aging.

December 29, 2012

My name is Alpha Barrie, and I am the youth coordinator of the youth millennium anti-drug abuse project Sierra Leone.
I have seen and observed the problems of drug abuse amongst youth in post-conflict Sierra Leone. During the brutal and destructive civil war in Sierra Leone, drugs have been known to have fuelled/facilitate some of the terrible human right abuses committed by rebel forces, of

African ECOMOG forces and militias loyal to the government of Sierra Leone. Many of these youth were former child combatants who have grown through war years, and can hardly cope without such drug abuse. Yet in finding alternatives to their problems, I founded the project youth millennium anti-drug abuse project to take the challenge and effect positive change and transformation in the lives of these youth.
It is hard to see young people I have known in my childhood, with whom I grew up as neighbors and friends to be carried away into the awful practice of taking drugs and influenced by other negative activities. I could not turn a blind eye to these challenges young people face in my community and so decided to fight back in ways that can help change these bad attributes.  I realized the enormous influence and peer pressure from other young people that has at last drifted the youth into drugs and gangs. I believe that they have a future and must not languish in the streets. Through involving the youth in positive community activism, volunteering on issues of peace, role plays, theatre, drama, music, computer training and other educational and recreational activities, I am beginning to see little by little the great impact and change amongst the youth from drug abuse to youth who are gaining a sense of self-esteem through youth community service and enterprise, through youth entrepreneurship, training and activism..

These Youth have taken a wrong turn in life - We determine to get it straight!

The Youth millennium anti-drug abuse project aims to find solutions to the wide-spread drug abuse by youth in Sierra Leone.  Many young people have lost a sense of direction via drug abuse and consequently their way of  life have fallen like the yellow leaf. They have taken a wrong turn in life and this where my intervention in the youth millennium anti-drug abuse project stands, to help curb this growing abuse. Through my association with organizations such as the B-Gifted Foundation, we are helping youth refrain from drug abuse and teach my colleague youth the harmful effect of drugs and trying to find ways to help them stop these habits and take good care of themselves through positive roles.

At the Magazine cut (Picture above) in the Eastern Part of Freetown, the youth who have known only drugs and gambling, are ready to be the change at last. They have signed up with B-Gifted Foundation and the  Youth millennium anti-drug abuse project  to participate in an alternative youth empowerment program that gives them a 'second chance in life'.
My name is Alpha Barrie a youth member of B-Gifted Foundation of Sierra Leone.
I am currently at final year at senior high school, and I have taken the private West Africa Senior School Certificate Examinations (WASSCE), and the results will be out next year (2013).

I am a senior at the Prince of Wales school kingtom.  In 2009, during my Junior school period at St Anthony’s Junior secondary school, I was given a prize for best Technology student and for excellent result in my school, which was awarded by the principal of Dr June junior secondary school. In 2012, during my senior school period at Prince of Wales school kingtom, I was given a prize for best Technical Drawing student in my class. In 2010, I was given a Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) certificate for excellent performance during the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) for my school (St Anthony junior secondary school) and also for best grade during the BECE examination for the following; Best Science grade, best English grade, and best Religious Moral Education grade. These certificates were awarded by the principal of St Edward Secondary school, in Prince of Wales school campus. I like to play soccer, computer games, browsing into the internet, reading, watching science fictions. My plans are to become a computer software engineer in the future.
CURRENT PROJECT – Am current working on the Youth Millennium Anti-Drug abuse project Sierra Leone with support from the B-Gifted Foundation . The project is about the abuse of drugs in the project by young people in the environment, and my aim is to teach these young people about the abuse of drugs and show them ways to stop these habit. 
 I started the Youth Millennium Anti-drug Abuse Project with the aim of finding solutions to the wide-spread drug abuse by youth in Sierra Leone.  Many people have lost a sense of direction via drug abuse and consequently their way of  life have fallen like the yellow leaf. They have taken a wrong turn in life and this where my intervention in the youth millennium anti-drug abuse project stands, to help curb this growing abuse. Through my association with organizations such as the B-Gifted Foundation, we are helping youth refrain from drug abuse and teach my colleague youth the harmful effect of drugs and trying to find ways to help them stop these habits and take good care of themselves through positive roles.