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January 05, 2013

As the high begins to wear off, the drug user feels destabilized and enters a stage of hopelessness, irritability and exhaustion and hence, the craving for drugs is felt again leading to stronger and stronger impulses to use it thus making the drug addict to descend increasingly into the vicious cycle of addiction.
Drugs cause such a disorder of the brain neurons that hallucinations are generated. Hallucination is the most noticeable feature of a schizophrenic or insane person´s behavior. Anyone who sees imaginary objects, feels things, hear voices, etc.. Which are not real, has an imbalance of the ordering of brain neurons and is a manic person. Use of drugs, particularly marijuana, produces hallucinations driving its consumers to INSANITY.
DRUGS damage brain cells and cause decay in the gray mass of the brain. (This has been scientifically proven by means of the scanner).

The burden of stimulation produced by drugs affects and weakens the sexual function, which is driver of a the human machine; at first, drug use results in increased sexual arousal but in time it exhausts the sexual energy and leads the drug addict to sexual indifference, then IMPOTENCE and eventually to HOMOSEXUALISM. Many famous drug addicts have become homosexuals.

DRUGS drain the crucial or fascinating atmosphere that energizes the physical body; this effect lowers the defenses against disease causing exhaustion and premature aging.

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